Llanwern High School

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Welcome to Llanwern High School's transition page, which we hope is a space that will ensure that you have all of the information and detail you require when considering secondary school options for your child.

We are thrilled that you are thinking of Llanwern and hope that a thorough search around our website will go some way towards profiling all that we have on offer here at the school. 

Not only do we have excellent facilities with our 3G pitches, dance studio, fitness suite, lecture theatre, photography labs (and so much more) our staff and the support they give to our young people is second to none. At Llanwern, wellbeing is a priority and the team who support our students are experienced, caring and focused on the individual. Relationships are key and we work hard to build links with families so that we can work together to support your child to be the best that they can be. 

We are an inclusive school. Not only do we cater for our most able, we also ensure that more vulnerable learners are looked after too, with specialist teaching and provision in place to support, as required.

We also have an extensive range of extra-curricular clubs available, which include dance, debate, chess and gardening club, to name just a few. Widening experiences and ensuring that the school experience allows holistic development is important to us and we encourage the children to explore opportunities available to them outside of the classroom, which is supported with a growing calendar of trips, visits and engagement with organisations such as the Duke of Edinburgh.

Our academic success is borne out in our outcomes, with GCSE and A Level performance having significantly improved. Whilst there is no denying that academic outcomes are important, first and foremost we are a school community, with staff who are invested in what they do and determined to ensure that they do everything in their power to remove any barriers to wellbeing and progress so that every Llanwern student has the best experience of school they can.

Best wishes

Mr Damian Lawlor


Year 6 Transition Date

To be Confirmed

Pupils to arrive at the front gates for 8.50am and depart at 2.30pm.

Year 6 Parent/Carer Welcome Evening – June 2024 (date to be confirmed)