Llanwern High School

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School Grant Expenditure 2024-25

In addition to the school’s core revenue budget, the Welsh Government also allocates additional funding to schools by way of grant allocations.

Schools are also able to apply for and access grants from other sources to support school-related activity.

Llanwern High School has access to a number of grant funded sources to supplement the core budget in supporting the delivery of the School Development Plan.

Currently (Sept 2024), the Governing Body is anticipating over 20 separate grant funding allocations in the 24-25 financial year, totalling over £1.6 million in grant funding.

The most significant of these allocations are the Post 16 Grant at £698,527 which is provided to fund the school’s sixth form, and the Pupil Development Grant (PDG) at £391,000.

The PDG is a key enabler for tackling the impact of poverty on educational attainment and ensuring high standards and aspirations for all and is allocated to schools based on the numbers of free school meal entitled pupils.

Llanwern High School has 992 pupils. 421 (42.44%) pupils are in receipt of free school meals (years 7 - 11, 24/9/24).

The PDG is being used in this financial year to support the following activities / initiatives:

  • Provision of a Learning Coach to support vulnerable pupils with well-being issues, future aspirations and provide additional learning opportunities including through external providers
  • Provision of Attendance Officers and a Family Engagement Officer to intervene early and support pupils and families to improve pupil attendance and re-engage with learning to achieve better educational outcomes
  • Provision of Pastoral Support Officers to provide well-being support and help pupils to improve attendance and attainment
  • Provision of Behaviour Support Officers to minimise disruption to learning time and ensure high quality, challenging work is provided consistently as part of a graduated response to behaviour issues
  • Provision of enhanced support through external providers for those at risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

 Grant are regularly scrutinised by:

  •  The Governing Body
  • Local Authority Finance Department
  • Education Achievement Service School Improvement Partner