Headteacher's Fortnightly Update - 24th January
The last fortnight has been a very busy one as Year 11 have been completing mock examinations in preparation for the summer examination series. It has been a pleasure seeing how well pupils have prepared for the exams and how seriously they have taken them.
It is a very busy time for our 6th form pupils, many of whom are applying for university and going through the process of UCAS applications. We wish them all the best of luck on their applications and in their exams in the summer. It was also great to get to watch our 6th form Newport County Community team play against Plymouth Argyle on Wednesday where they managed to reverse a defeat earlier in the year to win 5-1.
Year 9 went on a trip this week to the Velodrome to gain experience of sports coaching. The pupils were excellent and showed some real talent while coaching pupils from our cluster schools. Well done to all of them!
We have been focusing recently on pupils getting to lessons on time. In the last newsletter I said we would be getting a little stricter on this. I have carried out assemblies with all year groups over the last fortnight to reinforce the expectations about getting to lesson on time, particularly after break and lunch.
Most pupils have responded very positively, resulting in a much better start to lessons. We are experiencing a few pupils who delay getting to lessons without any reason, walking a loop of level one rather than making their way to lesson. We will be contacting parents of these pupils to support us in reinforcing the message that pupils should make their way promptly to their classroom once the first bell is sounded. Pupils should fill water bottles and go to the toilet during break and lunch.
As a reminder:
At 11:15 am (break) and 1:55 pm (lunch), a warning bell is sounded to remind pupils of the need to start making their way to lessons at that time.
At 11:20 am (break) and 2:00 pm (lunch), a second bell is sounded to inform pupils that they should now be in their classroom.
Any pupil not in class after this time is then late for lesson.
Please discuss this with your child to ensure they know the importance of getting to lessons on time.
Dates for your Diaries:
Year 10 parents – mock exams start Monday 3rd February – All pupils need to revise and prepare fully for these assessments.
Year 11 parents/carers – our 6th form Open Evening takes place Thursday 6th February for anyone considering joining the 6th form in September 2025.
Year 11 parents/carers - our online parents’ evening takes place on Thursday 13th February. Schoolcloud is currently open for making appointments and messages have been shared on ClassCharts regarding how to make appointments. We look forward to this important evening where we can discuss current progress and ways to improve the outcomes pupils can achieve in the summer.
Year 9 parents/carers – our annual options evening takes place on Thursday 20th February. Pupils are currently being supported with information related to the options process and the courses available.
All parents/carers – our next INSET day is on Friday 21st February where the school will be closed to all pupils.
Kind Regards,
Mr D Lawlor